Bible Reading

Bible Reading Schedule: Minor Prophets (Nahum to Malachi)

We will continue to read through the Minor Prophets in the Old Testament at a pace of 3 chapters per week. We encourage all of the young people to read with companions, parents, or serving ones together to pursue Him!


WeekDatesBible Reading Portion
1July 1 – 6Nahum 1-3
2July 7 – 13Habbakkuk 1-3
3July 14 – 20Zephaniah 1-3
4July 21 – 27Haggai 1-2, Zechariah 1
5July 28 – Aug. 3Zechariah 2-4
6Aug. 4 – 10Zechariah 5-7
7Aug. 11 – 17Zechariah 8-10
8Aug. 18 – 24Zechariah 11-13
9Aug. 25 – 31Zechariah 14, Malachi 1
10Sept. 1 – 7Malachi 2-4


If you can read from your own Bible that is best. Otherwise, you may go to:

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