For the protection of our young people, serving ones and community during the coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic, we recommend that the AYP Pursuit and all related fellowship be received by the young people and serving ones only in their respective homes, without gathering together with others outside of their own homes. Until further notification, we urge that all mutual fellowship outside of the respective home/family unit be via videoconference only.
Please note, this will be your main group to call, fellowship, and pray with throughout the conference week by week. Each week (Lord’s Day to Friday) you will have to establish a time(s) to have the videoconference with your group and cover the 2 sessions. Each session takes around 30 min (see example below).
In regards to groups, we would like to encourage grouping by household, when possible. In order to keep the group size manageable, with 2-3 adult(s) and 2-6 young people (max) in your group:
● Set a specific date and time for the group to meet again during the week
● Determine who will send out the Zoom link and send a reminder during the week
● Make sure to get the cell phone numbers or email addresses of everyone in the group so everyone gets the Zoom link.